
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Depreciation of Goods & Why We Love Good Will

Most people know that when they buy a new car and drive it off the lot, it automatically depreciates and is "USED" instantly. Think of the thousands of dollars that are lost! You could actually be in the hole in a matter of seconds! EKKKKK
Have you ever thought about the depreciation of you home goods?
We previously donated our dishware to Good Will, as we were planning to sell our house and didn't want to move breakable items, nor have all the dishes to wash when the house had to be in pristine shape daily to show to potential buyers so we switched to paper goods. (The cost for bowls, plates & cups from Sams about $40 a month for a family of 5, stay home mom, work at home dad and 3 home schooling children)
Now that we have taken our house off the market paperware seems like an extravagence and waste of money, not to mention the planet earth! My husband Gabe, went to Target to price dish sets. Gabe said for about $50 he could get two sets but that we really didn't need some of the items in those sets so he went to our favorite Good Will and got everything above for $20. If we would have not botherd to price them and look for a cheaper option we would have wasted $30 of our families money!
Think of that as home goods depreciation! $50 new and that they would depreciate $30. Well that is how I think anyway :) and it will save you money!
I have been a spoiled clothing shopper, but I have also discovered Good Will and recently found Juicy Couture, Ed Hardy, True Religion and more! Imagine the hit of depreciation on those babies!!! Not to mention the resale value if you needed cash! (Think Ebay & Craigslist or trading boards like
Good Will & Thrift Stores are all amazing ways to save your family a lot of money. If you think your car is to fancy, your handbag is to fancy or that you will feel weird, no worries you will find people of all varities, means and style there and they run sales too! Often when you drop off items to donate they will give you a % off your purchase and if they are not doing that when you go remember to get your receipt to cliam the donations on your taxes.
Next time you are out shopping new home goods, do some pricing and figure out the depreciation and how much money you could be saving your family. It is also good to let family, friends and neighbors know what you are in need of as they might have it sitting around that they are not using which equals FREE!
We often have bags or boxes up in our hall closet with clothing, shoes, bathing suits etc our kids have outgrown to pass on to friends or neighbors that have kids in smaller sizes then our own. We also do a laundry basket for our kids to toss things in that they outgrow so mom can sort through when its full and figure out who to pass it on to or to send to goodwill.
I shop at Good Will, I am very fashionable and like to think I have good taste and you know what my wallet is also fatter because I do :) Give it a try! Meet up with some friends or family and see what all you can find! Do challenge for Christmas and give your kids a budget and say you have so many dollars to get gifts for everyone and make a couple trips to good will. The toys are amazing and range from 50cents to $2. Lysol battery operated ones and wash all others on hot and dry on hot to kill any germies that may or may not be there. Ill post some goodwill finds in the future!

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